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That's Chamomile?!?!?!

Last year I planted a small Roman Chamomile plant that looked near death at the end of the hot midwestern summer. However, I was pleasantly surprised this spring when it sprang to life, quadrupled in size, and began sharing it's little daisy like flowers with me.

When friends and family come over and walk through my garden, they are always surprised to learn that these dainty flowers are what make up chamomile tea. The same tea that Peter Rabbit's mother gave him right before bed in the classic tale.

Not surprising, chamomile is a member of the daisy family.

What may be a shock is that those flowers have some amazing super powers!

Chamomile is:







While chamomile is widely known to assist in sleep, the properties of chamomile also cause it to calm nerves and improve digestion, In addition, when used on the skin, the anti-inflammatory properties assist in calming skin irritations.

**It is important to note that if a person has an allergy to plants in the daisy family or ragweed, they may have ill effects from the use of chamomile.**

How to use:

Part of plant used: flower heads

This herb can be used fresh or dried, but most commonly used dried. If you have access to fresh plants, simply hang them upside down until dried and snip off the flower heads to use.


If you do a quick pinterest search you will find an abundance of uses for chamomile. I have narrowed this list to a few simple recipes that can easily be utilized after a trip to the farmers market.


*Note: Chamomile gets bitter if over brewed, therefore brew for 3-5 minutes and

remove herb from water

Basic Tea

Lavender and Chamomile tea

Chamomile and Cinnamon Latte

Chamomile Ginger Iced Tea

Chamomile Hot Toddy

*while this website uses fresh flowers, dried can be used just the same, but may taste slightly more bitter.

Floral Ice Cubes: A fun addition to your next cocktail party

Chamomile Cakes

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Jun 16, 2021

Where can I find a plant I would love to grow and use

Jun 21, 2021
Replying to

pjkeeling55, I apologize for just now seeing your question! I bought mine last year at our local Farm and Home store. I am finding that many big box nurseries are carrying a good variety of herbs. You can also watch for plant sales in The Spring from local community farms. In our area, we are blessed to have Three Rivera Community Farm nearby who raise and sell plants locally.

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